Sunday, October 29, 2006

Eager for news?

Eager for news? Me too! I am waiting to hear how far many dates the CCAA has matched this month. Each month, we draw a little closer to seeing our baby Hannah's face. Right now, December is looking good, but we won't know much more until then. Well, we could know that the wait is getting longer, but we won't be able to tell that the wait is getting shorter, unless of course we receive a call in November!

For now, we will just have to settle for no news...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

One Year Ago Today...

One year ago today, China officially received our paperwork requesting a baby. What a long year that has been...

1 Thess 5:24 Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Wishing Away My Life

OK, so I am not really wishing away my life, but sometimes it seems that way. Each month, when referrals come out, the wait just gets longer. Sometimes the wait just increases by a month, sometimes more. When we submitted our dossier to China in September, we expected to receive an LID (log in date, the date that China officially receives your paperwork) in mid to late September. At that time the wait was 6-7 months, so we expected a referral in March or April 2006. In October, the wait was still 6-7 months, and since we did not get a log in date of September like we thought, our official wait began in October, moving our expected referral date to April or May. Then the slowdown started.

Here is a visual:
In September we expected a referral in March
In October we expected a referral in April
In November we expected a referral in May
In December we expected a referral in May
In January we expected a referral in June
In February we expected a referral in July
In March we expected a referral in July
In April we expected a referral in August
In May we expected a referral in September
In June we expected a referral in September
In July we expected a referral in October
In August we expected a referral in October
In September we expected a referral in November
Now we expect a referral in December or January, most likely January.

So, as you can see, for those of you who are wondering if this will really happen, it is not that we have been trying to deceive. We don't even know from one month to the next what to expect. In reality, I am not wishing away my life, just in a hurry to get from one month to the next to see if referrals will come sooner or later. Will the wait increase (say NO!!!!), stay the same (UGH!), or decrease (YEAH!!!!!)? Will we get to hold our precious Hannah this winter, or will it be spring?

Now on to the more fun stuff. We finally finished the toy box that we started for the room. It was a lot of work ,but well worth it. It turned out even better than I ever thought.

Now if we could just keep the cat off of it!

I am almost finished with the letters that we did for her name. I still have to varnish those and hang them up.

I have finished 2 cross stitch bibs, and am working on a third one.

We still have to sand, stain, varnish and hang 2 more shelves for her room and put the knobs on the dresser...

THEN THE ROOM WILL BE DONE!! Do you think that is why the wait is taking so long, because we still have more to do? Say it isn't so, because if we had the referral today, we'd have that room ready!! Keith and I both have experience at pulling all-nighters. (See, Mom, college taught us something!)