Monday, April 14, 2008

Hannah and her baby

Hannah and her baby snuggled up in Hannah's crib. She received this baby for her first Christmas, even before we knew who Hannah was. It is amazing how fast our little one is growing up!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Hannah loves her bath! She also loves her frog towel, given to her by our friends, the Burnfields in Norman. She requests it even more than her princess towel and her bunny towel. She gets all wrapped up in it, and says "Ribbit, ribbit, I 'rog" and then hops a few times for good measure.

Notice how the pile of clean laundry on my bed is photoshopped out of this picture. I sure wish it got put away that easily!!

Looks like she is up to something...plotting her next move!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A year ago today...

One year ago today, God placed in our arms the perfect baby girl! Here are a few photo reminders of that day:

Our first glimpse!

She's ours!

Jeremiah's first time holding Hannah.

David's turn.

We cannot say just how blessed we are! We are a perfect family!