Here is a list of what Hannah can do:
She can pull herself to a standing position.
She can take a step or two holding on to something.
She can sit by herself.
She can crawl forward and backward.
She can say "Dada".
She can say "Mama".
She can say "Bubbub" (brother).
She calls her bottle "Abba"
She recognizes her English name.
She can dance.
She can clap.
She can melt your heart with her smile.
She can make kissy noises and fishy mouth.
She can bite!
She waves bye-bye, with her hand facing herself.
She can hold her own bottle - and prefers it that way.
She can eat Cheerios all by herself.
She prefers regular people food to baby food, and is still fed by Mom with a spoon for the most part.
She can pitch a big fit :) ( I think even the neighbors can testify to that.)
Hannah prefers Dad to Mom. She absolutely lights up when she sees him. She really loves her brothers too. Don't get me wrong, Mom is pretty good, too, but she sees Mom all day...
On Monday, Keith and the boys went back to work and school. It has been a difficult week getting back into the routine ( how much routine can you have with a baby in the house, anyway?). Hannah does not like to be left alone, at all, ever. Although, today she did not cry too much when I took a potty break and left her sight for a minute or two. That is quite an improvement. She is taking several naps a day and sleeps though the night. I'm not sure if the number of naps has more to do with jet lag, the cold that she still has, or her "normal" routine. We are still getting to know her.
I thank God for Hannah and her beginning to adjust to her new life. She is no longer scared of the dogs, and likes it when they come up to her (doggy kisses are still yuck, though). She will reach out and pet the cat, who surprisingly likes to be near her. She seems to be more comfortable at home every day. I know that it has been difficult on her with so many changes over the past few weeks, and we pray that she will continue to be more comfortable with her new family and her new home.