Friday, July 31, 2009

Hanging out with family!

Hannah and Joshua met when Hannah and Judy came to Oklahoma in Sept 2007...but that was a long time ago. Now, it only took a few minutes for them to become as thick as thieves!
While the little ones are occupied Kobe takes a minute to watch TV - alone!
David - posing in front of Circle K...there is some significance to this, but what??!!

We made it! Now, on to the important stuff!

We made it in LATE last night, or was that early this morning? That last 45 minutes or so was nearly TORTURE!! Jet lag coupled with 2 very long days of driving is not a good combination. However, we are so glad we are finally here.

Our first Oklahoma breakfast...Krispy Kreme!

Watching the doughnut making - fascinating!

We do have an interesting story from yesterday afternoon. We were driving through Missouri, when Keith decided that we should call our friends, the Busseys who are moving to Whiteman AFB in Missouri. Now, best we knew they were staying in either Mcalester or Sapulpa in Oklahoma. I had to call a couple of numbers, but finally got in touch with Steven's brother who had them call us. But...they weren't in Oklahoma :( INSTEAD they were just outside of Springfield, Missouri on their way back to Oklahoma. Well, guess where we were??!! Just outside of Springfield, Missouri on our way to Oklahoma! God is so good :) We met at a roadside restaurant and had dinner in Missouri with our "Germany" friends! No coincidences with God.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Making our way across the US

On the road again...but I'm ready to be done! Glad to be in the USA, but ready to be in Oklahoma! Already driving across the US is taking its toll. The kids are "DONE" being in the backseat, Keith is done driving, yet still insists on doing it all :), and the kids have already watched more TV in a day than they usually do in a week.


Keep on trekkin', we still have over 900 miles to go!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We are off to the states!

We are braving space available travel and are off to the states for a few weeks to get David settled in for school and to go visit family. We are so excited to get to go home for a while. We have a whole list of who we want to see, where we want to go, and what we want to eat! Right now, we are headed to Dover. Looks like we will have to rent a car and drive for a couple of days to get to Oklahoma. Such fun!! At least we are making it out the same day that we first tried for travel!




Waiting for our flight to leave. We are already tired and we haven't even started!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ride 'Em Cowgirl!

OK, we won't buy Hannah a she makes "ponies" out of everything. The strap on her purse are "reins" and she loops them around anything to make a pony. She thinks that if she tucks in her shirt and puts on a belt, she looks like a cowgirl. Add the hat and the boots, and "Woah!" the transformation is complete!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

So You Wonder What I Do All Day?

This is my normal morning routine...get Hannah breakfast, make coffee, catch up on the "news", take a leisurely shower, get dressed, then start the day. Yeah, right! However, I do occassionally get a moment to hang out on the compute for a few minutes.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Any of you who know Hannah knows how much she loves, loves, loves her schoolwork. Every day she asks for some kind of work to do. She wants scissor work, color work , letter work, number work or just plain schoolwork. She will color, cut, paste, write up to 15 pages a day. I have to stop her there or she will use up her entire schoolwork workbook in a day! It is amazing. Now she wants to learn how to read. Crazy little lady!!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hannah likes to color with chalk on the back patio. Ms. Beth gave her the sidewalk chalk for her birthday, and it has provided many hours already of outside entertainment. Today, Hannah decided to make a picture of David. He is the circle with legs and other features. Then she added Mommy, Daddy, Jeremiah, Hannah and Chris (David's best friend). As you can see, we are all just floating heads. Guess we just didn't stack up!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Packing up

Hannah was watching over David's packing. I don't remember getting old enough to have a college student for a son. The movers will be here tomorrow to collect his stuff. I guess there is no turning back now.