Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallow's Eve

Hannah is the only person home who is not sick or recovering. However, after weeks of preparation, you can't just skip Hallowe'en. Hannah got to go down the street and back, but at least she got to go out!

All dressed up and ready to go!

Cheesing it up for the camera

After the trip down the street, Hannah liked giving out the candy with Daddy.

Jeremiah getting in on the action.

We went through 13 bags of candy in just a little over an hour. It all started at 6 and we had our lights off at 7:20. Fortunately, the crowds had really started to dwindle. I dont' know how many princesses, ghosts, goblins, and puppies we served, but I would guess close to 200!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Faith Fest

Our church hosted a "Faith Fest" tonight complete with food, games, and a choir concert. The theme was a hoedown, so we dressed in our best hoedown attire (or at least our version of it).

Keith and Jeremiah have been home sick, so they did not get to participate :(

Hannah and her "freckles"

Hannah and Mommy

She is getting so big! Hannah in her complete outfit.

Logistics and Hannah

OK, take one little girl, 8 rolls of toilet paper, 3 bathrooms, and the job of distributing the TP to the right places and this is what you get:

Trying to stack them...I don't think this will work!


How about this??


One more try...


Now we will talk later about the TP being all over the floor before it is used...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Art...I think

At church this morning, Hannah drew a picture of a "hand". I'm not sure if you can see the green circle palm and the white fingers, but that is what it is, so says Hannah. What I am excited about is the progress she is making in writing her name. Translation of the writing is: HanHann. She is getting there.

Hannah artwork

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Adopting again...

After many months of prayer and seeking God's will, Keith and I have decided to adopt again. We are going about it a little differently this time by not going with an agency, but just letting people know by word of mouth that we are looking for a baby to adopt. We set up a website, posted on Facebook, and put ads in the local papers. Now, we will wait and see what God chooses to do with it.