Monday, December 25, 2006


Merry Christmas everyone!!

Today we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How wonderful that we have a God who loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to earth, to be born as a babe, grow to a man, then take on the sin of the world, be crucified and then raised from the dead! Our God is so gracious!

We know that God is watching over Hannah today. It is hard to think of her lying in a crib, thousands of miles away while we are celebrating here at home. It would have been so nice to have her here, where we could care for her, provide for her needs, and share this time of joy with her. But we know that she is not alone. We pray for her, the other children of the orphanage, and their caregivers today that they will all feel the love of Christ.

We have saved her presents...they are still under the tree. We still have the ones that we bought her last year, too, when we thought that she would be home in early summer of 2006. Her ornament (a family tradition) is not hung on the tree, but is also waiting for her. What a celebration there will be when she finally makes it home...many celebrations!!

Hannah, know that Daddy, Mommy, big brothers, David and Jeremiah, grandparents, family and friends are all praying for you today. We wish you a Merry Christmas and promise that the next one will be even merrier. Stay warm, know that you are loved, and that we'll be there soon!

Referrals still have not come in for December, but we have resigned ourselves that we will be in the late January batch anyways. At least then, if we get it in December we will be thrilled, but if it is January, we will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tearing up awesome the love is for Hannah before you have even seen her. Just as she is a gift to are a gift to her. God is just awesome! Love you guys and miss you tons too!