Saturday, January 27, 2007

How Many Times Can We Update the Nursery?

I know, I know...we already said that we were done with the nursery. Well...Keith decided that the blue carpet just really didn't match, and I had to agree. So out it went, to be replaced by a nice cream color. Much better!

And we found this cute as can be bunny blanket! Had to get one of those. I was hoping to get more than one because I am hoping that Hannah will love it as much as I do, but one was all that they had.

Finally, here is an upclose picture of the detail on her blanket to match her room. I just love those butterflies!!

Now we are just waiting until next week...only a few more days! Hopefully then, you will be able to see her picture instead of just her room! Praise God!

1 comment:

R&H said...

I love it, the new carpet looks perfect!