Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ah yah yah!

Hannah has some new words and some new tricks!

Here are some new things Hannah can say and do:
She can say I love you, "Ah yah yah!"
She can crawl very fast!
She can blow kisses.
She can stand up without holding on.
She can get to a standing position from the floor without touching anything.
She can cruise around the furniture quickly.
She can drink from a sippy cup.
She can put herself to sleep at nap time.
She can wave "Hi" and say it, too.
She waves bye-bye with both hands, and sometimes they actually face you!
She can say "Stop!"
She can shake her head "no" when she doesn't want something.
She can climb out of her high chair.
She can say "Yes" and nod her head.
She points to objects and says "Dat."
She can put on a bracelet.
She can bring you a toy, and take it back.
She can come to you when you call her.
She can say both "dog" and "cat".
She can say "Bad dog!" I wonder where she heard that?
She can pick up her toys and put them in a bin.
She can say "laloolaloolaloolaloo" over and over again (Daddy taught her this one!).
She can blow big raspberries.
She can still pitch a big fit!

Hannah standing up all by herself!

(It requires intense concentration; she just learned this trick today!)

Playing with her Little People Farm.

Every day she still amazes me. What a blessing God has given to us.

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