Thursday, September 06, 2007

First day in Oklahoma!

We slept a fair amount last night, but jet lag has us a little tired anyway. We decided to take it a little easy today, but we did have to make a trip to K-Mart to buy diapers and some other necessities...of course once we were there, Grandmama and PaPa had to make sure that Hannah had her first carousel ride.

After all of that hard work running errands, we needed some lunch. Off to the Cherokee restaurant for some Oklahoma grub! Good stuff!!


T-Rae said...

Yay! Glad you made it. How long do you get to stay? You're not TOO far from us right now...still a good long drive, but closer than across the ocean. Kinda fun to think! I love coming back here and seeing new Hannah updates! She is beautiful!!

Connie J said...

Have we totally missed your OK stay???? I hope not. You know we're less than 2 hours away, and Kambry needs to see Hannah! Hope to catch up with you!