Friday, June 12, 2009


I feel like we are in a picture of "Where's Waldo?"
Hannah and Mommy on the airplane ride. Hannah insisted on the green airplane. Good thing we were first in line!
Can Jeremiah pull the sword from the stone? Not when it is bolted in. Hey that's cheating!!
David and Jeremiah by Einstein. Yes, everything here is REALLY built out of Legos!
Hannah! This was at the Lego factory where we got to see how Legos are made.
It was a great day. A little cool - I didn't even get to take off my sweatshirt. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer, so we will see. Keith and the boys rode the Bionicle and a few of the roller coasters. They are not exactly my style, so Hannah and I saw some shows and played on the playground. We did go on one water ride, and were thoroughly drenched! Hannah went with us and once I looked over and both David and Jeremiah were hugging her to protect her from the onslaught of water. What awesome big brothers!

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